How To Make Sure Your seeds Last Forever

How To Make Sure Your seeds Last Forever

How To Make Sure Your seeds Last Forever

October 15, 2022

I purchased a home on 3 acres of land in rural Kansas with the idea of living off the land I pictured in my mind plowing and hoeing and planting a garden with precise and skillful perfection, I had been storing seeds for several years. At last, I did just that! I planted my heart out while dodging the most intense, thunderstorms, being covered with dirt from head to toe and dropping bits and pieces of the earth all over my living room, even though I felt extremely fulfilled I was exhausted. I regularly tended to my precious garden, watering and weeding and such I was elated when sprouts of my hard work began to appear. The garden grew wildly and when it was time to harvest, I just could not wait to get my paws on those jewels, so as I picked my prize fruits and vegies I was shocked at the likes, they were barely recognizable deformed severely! to say that I was disappointed is an understatement astonished and mortified would be more like it. With much research I realized that my seeds had gone bad from not being stored properly it was a huge bummer, but I did learn a lesson that I wanted to pass on to future garden warriors everywhere. When choosing seeds, it is important to purchase high-quality seeds. The best seeds are those that have been grown and tested by a reputable organization. Some of the best seed companies are Heirloom Seeds, Johnny Appleseed, and Seed Savers Exchange. When buying seeds, it is important to consider the variety of the seed, the germination rate, and the storage requirements. Some seeds require cold storage, while others can be stored in a warm environment. It is also important to consider the growing conditions in your area. Some plants are best grown in warm climates, while others can be grown in colder climates. When choosing seeds, it is important to read the instructions that come with the seed package. Many times, the instructions will list the varieties of plants that the seeds are best suited for. Reading the instructions is essential when choosing high-quality seeds. Make sure they are properly stored after being harvested. Avoid over-picking the plants. If you are looking for long-term storage, store only new, mature, healthy, and well drained seeds. Seeds easily re-absorb moisture so make sure you keep them in airtight containers. The best way to store seeds is in a cool, dry place. This could be in an old-fashioned jar or a sealed container. You can also store seeds in a refrigerator, but make sure they are in a cool, dark place. Ancient Egyptians were known for their ingenuity when it came to storing seeds. They would dry them out in the sun or bury them in the sand to prevent them from spoiling. I hope this gives you some ideas on how you may decide to store your seeds. Now that you know the basics you may decide to design your own process when preserving your seeds good luck and happy gardening.

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