The Harmonious Life Of Minimal Living

The Harmonious Life Of Minimal Living

The Harmonious Life Of Minimal Living

February 11, 2023

When the suburbs started flourishing in the years after World War ll , it seemed like the ideal living system. These days, it is apparent that it is a very poor way to structure a society as it promotes a lot of wasted resources and low quality of life. Living in the suburbs means commuting for hours to work, being stuck in the car even for simple errands and heating and cooling a big house. This way of life is being turned on its head as families start downsizing by getting rid of a lot of stuff and rejecting the wasteful consumer culture attached to it. In our redesigned world minimal is in and wastefulness is not cool ! these days real estate in any form is pricy we want to kick out anything that is not a necessity and use our space wisely at the same time getting the max usage out of everything on hand. Having less clutter is better for mental health. Living in a house that is the right size and does not have a lot of needless stuff is conducive to a more settled and calmer mind. The health benefits don’t stop with a clearer mind due to less clutter. The entire lifestyle promotes much better health overall from mental to physical. Shedding the unnecessary will take time. Downsizing does not usually happen overnight it takes determination, dedication and copious amounts of work and planning. As a society we have spent centuries collecting, from inheriting grandmothers china to scouring thrift stores and garage sales for antiques and that famous vintage vinal that us baby boomers grew up listen to. Letting go of those things that collect dust or that you keep around because you might need it one day could be beneficial to your health. One of the biggest financial advantages of minimalism is that it can help you save money, by reducing your possessions and living simply, you can save money on your groceries, rent, and other expenses. Also, there is the time involved in collecting possessions and taking care of those possessions, why not spend time making memories with family, friends, your spouse or pets? or maybe a hobby. At the end of the day, it is about making the most out of life we all want to be happy, healthy, and prosperous in every way.

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