Why Do People Choose The Off-Grid Livestyle

Why Do People Choose The Off-Grid Livestyle

Why Do People Choose The Off-Grid Livestyle

Janurary 4, 2023

There are many reasons why the off-grid lifestyle is more popular now than ever before. With the pandemic showing the fragility of our supply chain. Let’s look at the failure of the Texas Power grid in the event of the 2021 arctic blast with rolling black outs causing more than 4.5 million homes and businesses to be left without power, some for several days. At least 246 people were killed directly or indirectly, with some estimates as high as 702 killed because of the crises. My husband and I experienced this firsthand. We were traveling through Texas camping when the storm hit at a state park with no electricity to keep us warm, we were fortunate to find a hotel that had a vacancy. The ability to live off grid without giving up too many creature comforts allows people to drop out to the level they are comfortable with. Often, people still want to get to work, have electricity and hot water and live a normal life. What they don’t want is to be dependent on complex supply chains and join the consumer rat race that promotes mindless spending. They prefer to grow their own vegetables and fruit and raise chickens for eggs and meat to not be part of a system that uses too many resources to maintain. With so many modern conveniences available to the off-grid enthusiast, there are minimal sacrifices required to live this way. Keeping the house warm is simple with wood stoves, and natural building material is a good insulator, so it stays warm in the winter. In the summer, simple design techniques can help in cooling the house and staying comfortable like placing the trees for shade and building the house with cross breezes in mind. The idea is not to lack anything, but to reduce in doing damage and injury to our world by being cognizant that our actions effect nature. No one wants to give up modern conveniences to rough it, no one ever says hey life is to easy let’s make it more difficult to be comfortable. On the contrary, people are tired of living paycheck to paycheck and want more control over their lives.

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